
Digital Employee Experience: why you need in your talent strategy today

6 minutes read
Sinakho Dhlamini
Content Marketing Specialist
The digital employee experience (DEX) is the experience employees have with the digital tools and platforms provided by their organisation.

The digital employee experience (DEX) is the experience employees have with the digital tools and platforms provided by their organisation. Although it extends beyond IT, it strongly involves HR clusters and reflects on your company culture.

As such, we are taking this opportunity to explore the topic in more depth, exploring what it is, why it’s important to employees as well as for employers, and how these can design and measure a digital employee experience.

What is the digital employee experience? 

The digital employee experience is a subset of the overall employee experience that encompasses all the digital touchpoints an employee interacts with at work, be these apps and software or the devices they are equipped with (like a phone, laptop, etc.). However, DEX goes far beyond IT, involving crucial aspects of HR and workplace culture to play a crucial role in the overall business success.

And it's a key component of the new employee experience.

Individuals are used to relying on smooth technology in their personal lives and anticipate the same degree of digital simplicity in their work environment. If workers find it challenging to retrieve information or accomplish daily duties with the given tools, it can adversely affect their relationship with your organisation.

Why organisations struggle to manage their digital employee experience

Managing and creating the best digital employee experience is fundamental to every organisation. This is where your talent strategy plays a pivotal part in the overall business success. The importance of DEX keeps increasing into the 21st century, with most companies struggling to keep up with the latest trends.

In 2024, 82.9% of Top Employers globally have a vision for the role of digital HR in the overall employee experience. This digital experience is not just a tool but a flexible solution that caters to all employees, whether they are in the office full-time or hybrid.  

IT departments aim to enhance the overall employee experience. However, they're perpetually trying to keep pace with swift digital evolution and intricate office technology. The advent of hybrid work and employees using various devices and settings further complicates IT's task of managing the digital workspace. 

This is where the Top Employers Institute can help: our extensive research into the world of work can provide organisations with best practices on DEX and the latest trends. If you want to learn more, check out the link at the bottom of the page and get in touch for free today!

6 benefits of implementing a strong DEX into your talent strategy

Creating, managing and measuring your digital employee experience is necessary to drive business success. Before diving into the steps and best practices, let's find out how your organisation can benefit by implementing a strong digital employee experience into a talent strategy:

  • Boost your employer brandmaking your company more attractive to potential candidates because of your strong digital experience. Showcasing your commitment to cutting-edge technology and a seamless digital environment can differentiate your organisation and your competitors. 
  • Increase employee retention rates: Gartner’s Digital Worker Experience Survey found that “Workers [are] satisfied with applications indicate that they are twice as inclined to stay in their current organisation.” This stresses the importance of creating a seamless digital experience as it affects the rate at which employees feel they can stay in their current organisation. 
  • Increase organisational agility: The ability to reach and engage their people in real-time allows organisations to act and mobilise them quickly and pivot rapidly. This quick reaction time makes organisations more agile and reactive to the world. 
  • Improve employee engagement by creating shared values: A unified digital employee experience connects every person to their organisation, making it easier to survey employees and collaboratively develop a shared sense of purpose. That shared purpose can ultimately help organisations achieve their business goals. 
  • Improved employee productivity: Digitalisation efforts in employee experience can automate tedious and monotonous business processes, which often leave employees feeling demotivated. Reducing these tasks can make employees more productive by proactively giving them the tools and applications they need to succeed when needed. 
  • Enhanced security: Digital security is a major priority for organisations, and it can be enhanced when a company prioritises its digital employee experience. Many possible security breaches happen through digital means, and when the right tools and applications are in place, it is easier for organisations to manage security vulnerabilities. 

How to create a digital employee experience in 5 steps 

The digital employee experience encompasses all the tools, platforms, and technologies employees use to perform their jobs, communicate, and collaborate. Therefore, HR teams and organisations must carefully decide how to create this experience. 

employees struggling with digital tool at work

The steps that organisations need to take are:  

Step 1: Assess current technology 

  • Conduct a technology audit to understand the current tools and platforms. 
  • Gather feedback from employees about their digital experience. 

Step 2: Define objectives 

  • Establish clear goals for what you want to achieve with your DEX.
  • Align these goals with your overall HR and business strategy. 

Step 3: Select the right tools 

  • Choose platforms and tools that integrate well with each other. 
  • Ensure the tools are user-friendly and meet your organisation's specific needs. 

Step 4: Implement and train 

  • Roll out new tools and platforms in phases to manage the transition smoothly. 
  • Provide comprehensive training to ensure employees can use the new technology effectively. 

Step 5: Monitor and optimise 

  • Continuously gather feedback and monitor the usage of digital tools. 
  • Use data analytics to identify areas for improvement and optimise the digital experience. 

It should be known that creating a digital employee experience is not a one-time project but an ongoing process.

How to measure the digital employee experience

Measuring the digital employee experience can provide HR teams with valuable employee insights into productivity, engagement and employee satisfaction. 

Organisations can measure their DEX by:

  • Implementing real-time feedback tools: Real-time feedback tools, such as pulse surveys and chatbots, allow HR and IT teams to capture employees' sentiments and issues as they arise. These tools can be integrated into digital platforms to provide immediate opportunities for employees to voice their experiences and frustrations.
  •  Utilising analytics and usage data: Digital tools and platforms often have built-in analytics that track usage patterns and behaviours. HR can use these analytics, and IT teams can leverage this data to gain insights into how employees interact with these tools.
  • Using employee surveys and feedback: One of the most direct ways to gauge the digital employee experience is through regular surveys and feedback mechanisms. Tailored questionnaires, like stay interviews, can help HR and IT teams capture employees' perceptions with their digital tools.

Become a recognised employer of choice and enhance your digital employee experience

A comprehensive digital employee experience is no longer a luxury but necessary in modern business and talent strategies. Organisations will attract and retain top talent by investing in their digital environment and aligning HR and IT needs. By investing in the right digital tools and platforms, HR and IT can work together to create an environment that attracts top talent, enhances engagement and retention, boosts productivity, supports remote work, and drives innovation. Embracing a digital-first approach aligns with the expectations of today’s workforce and positions your organisation for sustained success in the future.

The Top Employers Certification Programme recognises excellent people practices across several HR topics, including engagement, that help organisations grow as employers of choice. These practices are often improved by identifying important insights for an organisation to determine where to make impactful changes in their business.

Get in touch today for free and find out how to become an employer of choice!


Table of contents
Digital Employee Experience: why you need in your talent strategy today