
Best Practice | Accenture Accentuates the Employee Experience

2 minutes read
Tory De Bassio

The programme "Change @ Work, Poland edition" started in 2019 as the first One Accenture initiative to promote a sense of belonging within the organisation. The programme aims to improve employee satisfaction by helping them feel more valued and connected to the organisation.

Using a dedicated AI tool, Accenture Poland engaged approximately 250 employees in real time to shape their culture of belonging. Based on extensive research, they have determined four main areas that most influence employees' sense of belonging. Under this programme, Accenture Poland is running 15 amazing projects to shape a better world for more than 9 000 employees.

This is just a snapshot of Accenture's innovative best practice. You can find the entire practice in our HR Best Practices database, which is exclusively available to Top Employers. Get inspiration and insight into the approach, challenges and learnings experienced by certified Top Employers. Access it now via the Top Employers Programme if you are certified or learn more about it here!

Why the practice was needed

During difficult and unpredictable times, Accenture Poland believes that leaders must act alongside younger colleagues to co-create the best solutions. Involving employees at all levels of an organisation can also help them feel engaged with the organisation in a meaningful way and could, therefore, help retain talent.

How the practice was implemented

Accenture's Change @ Work, Poland edition consisted of three main steps:

  1. Accenture Poland conducted research using individual in-depth interviews with approximately 50 employees to understand the main factors that determine a feeling of belonging within Accenture.
    • The analysed dataset included:
      • The anonymised personal data of respondents was obtained from internal human resource management systems.
      • Qualitative data – statements of respondents obtained based on the interview discussion guide.
      • Quantitative data – responses to questions asked using a five-point Likert scale.
  1. Based on the research, the organisation designed four main activities that were most important for employees in terms of belonging.
  2. Using an AI tool, Remesh, Accenture Poland involved approximately 250 employees in shaping final solutions that best met employees' expectations.

The co-creation method was used, and the initiative was run by employees for employees as a way to understand and focus on their real needs.

Results of the practice

  • More than 300 employees gave feedback to shape the final solutions.
  • 15 initiatives are being implemented to increase employee satisfaction.
  • Accenture Poland is moving from talent consumption toward talent creation, with Gen Z pushing for this change.



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Best Practice | Accenture Accentuates the Employee Experience