
Best Practice | Purpose at Mondelēz International

3 minutes read

All around the world, the lines between meals and snacks are blurring. Snacking—those moments when you reach for a delicious bite between meals—is rising. However, there is also a universal cultural tension; people don't want to choose between snacking and eating right. That is why one of the Top Employers, Mondelēz International, aims to empower people to snack right. 

Mondelēz International strives for its employees to live that purpose, understanding how their role and work contribute to it. Mondelēz International also hopes employees will connect with their own personal purpose and their teams' future plans, with goals aligning with the organisation's three pillars: Nutrition and Well-Being, DEI, and Sustainability. 

This is just a snapshot of Mondelēz’s innovative best practice. You can find the entire practice in our HR Best Practices database, which is exclusively available to Top Employers. Get inspiration and insight into the approach, challenges and learnings experienced by certified Top Employers. Access it now via the Top Employers Programme if you are certified or learn more about it here! 

Why the practice was needed 

Mondelēz International understands that purpose matters to people. When everyone understands and believes in it, there is deeper employee engagement and more passion for what they do. Purpose also matters for profits and organisational alignment. It is a performance driver. The organisation wanted to tell a real story of who it is and what it stands for, which led them to create this practice. 

How the practice was implemented 

To better understand and implement their purpose, Mondelēz International took the first step: they refreshed their strategy and launched their 2030 vision in 2022. At that time, they started sharing the importance of their purpose with employees. They connected each pillar with different initiatives that linked everything employees do to the organisation's mission and purpose. 

Nutrition and wellbeing: Connecting with different initiatives such as "Snack Mindfully," which is focused on helping consumers snack mindfully, in the moment, and get even more satisfaction from the food they eat. 
In line with this pillar, the organisation has an MDLZ change makers programme in which any employee can participate. The programme enables employees to play a direct and impactful role in their communities by giving their time, talents, and services. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Mondelēz International believes that an inclusive, winning growth culture will help promote higher employee engagement and better business performance. As such, they offer inclusivity training to establish inclusive leadership practices and develop greater cultural competencies. The organisation is also committed to driving a more inclusive supply chain through its Economic Inclusion & Supplier Diversity (EISD) programme, where it strives to create mutually beneficial business relationships with suppliers that strengthen communities and deliver value to both consumers and employees. 

Sustainability: To make snacking more sustainable, the organisation strives to understand risks and their potential impact, focusing on opportunities to lead and to drive change in places that are especially vulnerable around the world. The organisation has set goals in certain areas – and added new ones over time – to enhance their impact and delivery at scale. Programmes like "Cocoa Life" bring the total investment in the programme to $1 billion since 2012. 

Results of the practice 

  • Increased motivation and engagement: Employees understand the why of their duties and contribute to a larger goal. 
  • Improved retention: External studies show employees are likelier to stay with an organisation whose purpose aligns with their values. 