
Transforming talent acquisition through the Top Employers Certification Programme

4 minutes read
By Bronwyn Wainwright, Global Content and Brand Specialist, Top Employers Institute
85% of Top Employer organisations agree that the Top Employers Institute Certification creates value for their business, whether it be for their branding, alignment, and benchmarking of HR practices, or connecting with other leaders in HR. When it comes to branding, Top Employers know that the experience of going through a candidate selection process tells a lot more about the organisation than the brand messaging.

At Top Employers Institute, we are always keen to demonstrate the best ways to leverage value from our Certification Programme. Independent and externally verified workforce research, conducted globally among our Top Employers, shows that 85% agree that certification creates value for their business.

It is the branding potential that certification brings with it that is one of the most appreciated benefits. 92% of our Top Employers say they make use of the Certification Seal to attract and/or engage talent.

So how can Top Employers make the most of the opportunity that certification creates in this area?

Recruitment: certification makes a big difference

A great employer brand lies at the heart of any Top Employer’s HR strategyWhen it comes to getting the best on board70% of those surveyed say they have used the Certification Seal to drive their recruitment process.

Employer branding can only ever be as good as the impression it makes on potential employees. On this, the results are encouraging74% of Top Employers agree that the certification process has improved their positioning as an employer of choice. 

It is easy to see the positive impression that certification makes on external candidatesThe noticeable benefits, according to our Top Employers, include:  

  • Enhanced awareness among candidates, with references to the Certification Seal made in interviews. 
  • Recognition of the value of certification among partners, such as universities or employment agencies. 
  • More interest in posted roleswith more clicks and applications made through company careers pages. 
  • A decrease in both the time taken to fill roles and an increase in quality of applicants. 

One Top Employer sums it up well by telling us that the Certification Seal showed potential candidates clearly that “this company is among the best employers in the world”. 

High levels of trust between candidate and potential employer lie at the heart of the value that the Certification Seabrings. As one of our Top Employers told us: “For me … most important is that an external candidate [feels that they] can rely on the certificate.” 

Onboarding and Induction: Reinforcing the bond of trust

A top talent acquisition strategy, crucially, requires this trust to continue well beyond the initial recruitment process. After hiring comes the equally important task of onboarding and induction. A recent survey of 1000 full-time employees for People Management magazine revealed that:

  • 43% admitted to having changed their minds on at least one occasion after accepting a job offer. 
  • 37% put this down to poor or no follow-up, or other bad experiences after the job offer had been made. 

Engagement and Retention: Creating a virtuous circle

The greater branding opportunities for Top Employers from certification through recruitment, onboarding and induction also go on to produce a virtuous circle among existing employees. The independent research conducted for us showed that the use of the Certification Seal helped organisations to:

  • Actively involve current employees as talent brand ambassadors for external candidates
  • Increase the engagement of existing employees made aware of the achievement of certification.
  • Decrease turnover, with employees feeling safe and reassured to work for a certified Top Employer.

Talent acquisition: make it easier with Top Employers institute Certification

Top Employers Institute has guidelines and support for certified best in clasee employers who want to leverage their talent acquisition strategy further. This includes everything from how to promote the Certification Seal as effectively as possible on the web site, email signatures or social media, through to how best to display them in job ads. Get in touch today for free and become an employer of choice.

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Transforming talent acquisition through the Top Employers Certification Programme