
Best practice | Yettel Bulgaria’s second shift programme

3 minutes read
Tory De Bassio

One of the strategic priorities of Yettel Bulgaria's People and Culture long-term strategy is to position the organisation as an attractive employer among young people in Bulgaria. To this end, the company has school and university partnerships, specialised internships, and other initiatives that bridge the gap between its organisation and younger generations. One programme that they are particularly proud of is their Second Shift Programme, which is one-of-a-kind in the Bulgarian market.

This is just a snapshot of Yettel Bulgaria’s innovative best practice; you can find the entire practice in our HR Best Practices database, which is exclusively available to Top Employers. Get inspiration and insight into the approach, challenges and learnings experienced by certified Top Employers. Access it now via the Top Employers Programme if you are Certified or learn more about it here!   

Why the practice was needed

Yettel's ambition was to design a programme that remains relevant to the children of Yettel employees. It aimed to support their career orientation, give them a competitive advantage in the labour market, and build “Yettel Brand Ambassadors” among young talent.

Yettel Teen Academy and Second Shift programmes are designated for the children and close relatives of Yettel Bulgaria employees aged 12 to 18. The end goal is to help participants gain practical experience in a real work environment and teach them more about the place where their parents work. In participating, they also gain some basic knowledge of diverse business fields, including project management, efficient communication, and ESG work.

Yettel Bulgaria's unique programme is situated well in the local market, addressing the gap between education and real business.

An additional benefit of the Second Shift programme is the support it provides to the business during vacation periods, such as summer months, with assistance in entry-level administrative tasks.

How the practice was implemented

The Second Shift Programme is an initiative for the children of Yettel Bulgaria's employees. It aims to support their career orientation and position Yettel as an attractive employer among Bulgarian young people.

In 2023, the organisation held its third edition of the programme, and it welcomed 64 participants between 12 and 18 years of age—all of them children or close relatives of Yettel employees who gained real-world work experience in a chosen field.

During their four-week paid assignment, the youngsters had the opportunity to work with professionals from different units on real small-scale projects. Each participant had a mentor who supported the students during the programme. 

In 2023, Yettel expanded the Second Shift Programme by introducing Yettel Teen Academy, which covers a wider age group: 11 to 14-year-olds who, in the span of one week, have the opportunity to learn more about the different units in the company and the needed skills for their future careers.

Participants are split into two groups, depending on their age. During the first week, the children between fifth and sixth grade had the opportunity to spend half a day with colleagues from different units, gaining knowledge about the company and the needed skills for their future careers, such as presentation skills, communication skills, Project Management skills, etc.

The same content was adjusted slightly for the older age group – seventh to twelfth grade – and presented during the programme's second week.

All the sessions are part of the different modules of the programme and were delivered by company volunteers and fellow Yettel employees. 

In this programme and other initiatives, Yettel Bulgaria strives to put employees in the centre when designing and implementing HR projects; their needs are prioritised in both professional and personal life.

Results of the practice

During the programme's first year, 15 participants were registered between fifth and sixth grade and 49 young people between seventh and twelfth grade. Since then, the programme has expanded further.

Based on the positive feedback and the increased engagement that this initiative provides, the programme acts as a statement that is part of their HR projects portfolio and has been a proud winner in various national employer branding awards.

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Best practice | Yettel Bulgaria’s second shift programme