
Best Practice | UST’s Step IT Up Programme

4 minutes read
Tory De Bassio

Step IT Up, a UST proprietary programme, helps organisations hire more diverse employees by directly addressing the global IT skills gap. The programme offers underrepresented candidates a customised four- to seven-month curriculum focusing on technology careers. Graduates can enter a new job market with a higher salary promise. UST client companies benefit from the programme by creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

Why the practice was needed

Computer Science graduates have surpassed engineering graduates as the highest-paid undergraduates right out of university, but in the United States in 2021, only about 21% of Computer Science majors are women. In another study, they found that when you look at Computer Science majors by ethnicity, 64.2% are White, 18.8% are Asian, 6.9% are Latino, and 4.2% are Black

Additionally, about 10 years ago, UST also noticed that even Computer Science majors weren’t necessarily receiving the same number of focused learning hours needed to be effective in entry-level IT positions; typical (American) undergraduate education offers classes more generally, covering several topics. New IT hires must go through months of on-the-job training to be more effective in their work.

UST realised they needed to change the landscape and focus on a talent pool outside of Computer Science. They started looking at graduates with more general academic backgrounds and have created a new talent pool from which to hire.

This is just a snapshot of UST’s innovative best practice. You can find the entire practice in our HR Best Practices database, which is exclusively available to Top Employers. Get inspiration and insight into the approach, challenges and learnings experienced by certified Top Employers. Access it now via the Top Employers Programme if you are certified or learn more about it here!

How the practice was implemented

The Step IT Up training programme was created about 10 years ago and has been successful ever since. UST's idea is to find, recruit, pay, and train candidates who have graduated from four-year degree programmes and help place them within their client companies.

Details on Recruiting

Candidates for the programme are recruited within the geographical area in which the client companies would like them to work. The client company usually specifies what types of candidates they’d like to consider and the requirements for the role. UST then sets out to find applicants for a new programme. Candidates are usually recruited through UST’s Alumni network, partner organisations, military bases and other outside referrals. Each applicant passes an assessment test that measures reading, math and analytics. If candidates do well on the assessment, they move on to the interview phase with both UST and the client company, and together, they select who will join the programme.

Details on Programme Participation

The UST programme is different from some others in the market in that they try to eliminate any financial obstacles candidates may face to enter the programme; candidates are guaranteed a job if they start the programme and are paid from the start of their training. Wages vary depending on geographic area, but the goal is to give them space to focus and study for the programme when enrolled. Once they’ve completed the training, candidates are given a salary increase. When they are hired into the client company, they receive a higher salary upon conversion.

This programme and the skill set earned will also set a candidate up for the potential of a six-figure salary in the future as they have entered into an industry that they may not have otherwise considered. All participants finish as technologists with the equivalent of a Computer Science degree.

Details on the Programme

  • The Step IT Up programmes are given onsite and virtually.
  • UST has executed the programme across the US, Europe, Asia, Australia and Central America. 
  • Each training programme has an instructor with collegiate and industry experience and a Coach/Mentor.
  • Training can run from four to seven months, depending on the skill set requested from the client company.
    • The training programme is customised; UST uses a curriculum the client company has looked at and approved for an entry-level job.
    • The client company adds their software tools to the curriculum.
  • The programme usually runs with homework assignments from 8:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday.
  • To pass, candidates need at least a 70% overall and to successfully complete a final capstone project.

Results of the practice

  • Many women and other minority groups have been able to work in a field they did not otherwise think was for them, either due to a lack of positive role models in IT or advice/guidance to the contrary. These programme graduates help break stereotypes and break down barriers in the industry by offering a new and different voice.
  • 90% of the individuals who start training graduate from the programme.
  • 87% of those who start to work onsite at a client company get converted/hired directly after 12 months.

You can also learn more about UST’s social and DEI efforts in the video below.


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Best Practice | UST’s Step IT Up Programme